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love light femininity

Sophie Osara Amorphia greece rhodes
golden ray sun healing Sophie Osara Amorphia


I sense and see a new future with happy people, surrendering to everyday life with a heart full of joy and a desire for inner growth, dancing and singing while living their lives...


The visions first came to me in meditations, then little by little they became an essential part of me:


I see a near future in golden communities where people live together, naturally connected to each other. There are no hierarchies, we decide all together, it is not difficult for us, as we are exclusively benevolently attuned to each other. Everyone is connected through the loving heart and it is not the well-being of the individual that we care about, but that of the community, because we all know that we will only be well if everyone is well. Our respect for creation is omnipresent, whether human, animal, stone, tree, flower...unity, the magic of oneness, envelops the entire space.

Unity ~ Oneness ~ Heart

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Image by Dongsh

These communities bathe in the golden light, the purest creator-light that arises from the heart of Mother-Father-God. There, everything is joy, lightness, flow. Tasks are accomplished so naturally because they arise from the heart. Responsibility is only natural, requires no effort. Everything arises from love, everything IS LOVE.


I see myself as an ambassador of this new time, as a medium and spiritual guide to accompany you on your way there.


I invite you, through contact with the spiritual world:


☽ To be lovingly accompanied by me into the new Golden Age, to unfold your talents and gifts.


☽ To reconnect with your soul, the essence of your being, to understand the meaning of your being on this beautiful earth and to experience who you really are - to recognize your soul plan.


☽ To cleanse and clear your energy system and activate your own healing powers.


☽ To consciously develop yourself with the themes that life shows you.


☽ To receive messages from angels, ascended masters, ancestors, deceased loved ones, etc.


☽ To release yourself from blockages and negative beliefs and patterns

golden healing crystal Sophie Osara Amorphia

Come with us on the journey...

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Everything arises from love, everything IS LOVE.



Fill out the contact form below to get in touch about any offerings, or purchases from the store, or if you have any questions and need support.

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Sophie Osara Amorphia Healer Space Holder
golden healing Sophie Osara
sophie osara amorphia
mary magdalene france
sunrise sophie osara healer
Sophie Osara Amorphia spiritual healing medium


I have been working with Sophie for the last couple of years almost every week, she is an amazing channel of divine energies, working with divine beings such as Isis, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Jesus etc. She channels precise answers about life challenges offering a higher point of view and helping the expansion of the soul. Her sessions are infused with healing energies having high frequency that work on the inner planes and continue working also after the session facilitating life shifts. I strongly recommend to work with Sophie.

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